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Dating, Waiting and Anticipating

Waiting. Something we all experience every single day. From the small things, like waiting for coffee in the morning, to the big things, like waiting for dreams to become reality, the act of waiting is simply unavoidable. Since we’ll always be waiting on or for something, it’s so important that we learn how to wait well. One of the most significant ways I’ve experienced waiting is through singleness and dating. While I’m no love guru or dating expert, I do believe that God has taught me to wait well, trust Him in all things, and seek Him above all else in the dating process.

I used to associate waiting with passivity, idleness, or a constraint to my desires. However, I now believe that the many times when waiting on the Lord is referenced in scripture, it refers to actively waiting with anticipation and hopefully watching for God to act. Regardless of our relationship status, we’ll always be in a state of waiting. In singleness, waiting to date. In dating, waiting for engagement.In engagement, waiting for marriage. In marriage, waiting to have kids, dogs, a career advancement, a house, a vacation, and the list goes on and on.

What if instead of growing apathetic towards the time between dreams and reality, we saw seasons of waiting as an opportunity to love, trust, and seek God? What if we used the time we’re currently given to love God and people? What if we waited in hopeful expectation that He’ll work all things out for our good and His glory?

For me, this has looked like cultivating a heart of gratitude as I began to thank God for the waiting, even when I didn’t feel like it was something to be grateful for. I tried to use my time intentionally by seeking out counseling, mentorship, and an authentic community. I discovered and embraced the gifts, talents, abilities and the unique way in which I was created by God and for God. These things have made me confident in who I am and whose I am. Learning how to thrive, flourish, and operate effectively for the Kingdom has helped me understand that no one would ever “complete” me apart from Jesus. I haven’t been waiting to find my “other half” because I've already been made whole by God. I can hold relationships with an open palm and pray earnestly that God’s perfect will be done, knowing that He works all things for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28).

So, I write to all the women in waiting. Know that regardless of your relationship status, you are loved, valued and enough. Remember that God is sovereign and can be trusted in everything. He cares about even the smallest details of your life. Be encouraged because even though God may not always provide us with a direct plan or specific answers, He always gives us everything we need to get where He wants us to go.

With Love,

Molly Pierce


Meet Molly, a ray of sunshine currently pursuing her masters in psychology at Trinity University. With a heart set on making a difference in special education, she's gearing up to share her passion in that world. When she's not hitting the books, you'll find her enjoying San Antonio as her current place of residence where she shares laughs and love with incredible friends, a fantastic roommate, a charming boyfriend, and her dog-son, Maxwell.

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